Court Orders and their terms are meant to be followed.

Those who do not comply with the terms of the Order may be punished by the contempt powers of the court, which include such penalties as fines, community service, or even jail time for extreme situations. Attorney fees are also appropriate to compensate the person who had to bring the Contempt action to seek enforcement of the terms. 

Pursuant to SC Law, a contempt hearing is like a mini-trial, as an evidentiary hearing with testimony pursuant to the Rules of Evidence. At the contempt hearing, the moving party must prove a willful violation took place by showing the existence of the order of which the moving party seeks enforcement, and the facts showing the respondent's noncompliance. The moving party shall satisfy the burden of proof required by law for the specific nature of contempt before the court. The respondent is entitled to present evidence of a defense or inability to comply with the order. The Court may impose sanctions provided by law upon proper showing and finding of willful contempt.